Outsider Info


About Macedonia

BASICS and SKOPJE-in your pocket!
The US Embassy in Skopje

Over and Above:

Traditional Dish: Tavche Gravche
Most Common Social Activity
: Drinking coffee at local cafes
Cultural Icon
: Toshe Proeski
Politics: Parliamentary Democracy
Major Religions: Orthodox Christian and Muslim
Minority Populations: Albanian, Roma, Turkish
Languages: Macedonian (official), Albanian, Romani, Turkish
Alphabet: Cyrillic
Population: 2 million

Views from Stip's medieval fortress, Isar are enjoyed after climbing hundreds of stairs to the top. The modern addition of a glowing red cross is located where the fortress used to stand.


IIE and Fulbright

this is what got me here. see this site for more information on how you can do it too.

Fellow Bloggers

Here are Fulbrighters, past and present, who offer their insight into the culture, history, and goings on of Macedonia!

Yelena Forrester Knezevic 2010-2011

Colby Long's Youtube 2010-2011

Seth Elder 2008-2009

Polysemic guy I don't know but who has lots of great insight 2008-2010